04.05.24 to 29.06.24
Rebecca @doubledecka
These textile sculptures [horses and mules] might show how interested I am in housing stability, home cosiness, and stuff. I worry about housing, for me, and on a much larger scale. The flipside is that I’m very aware of how lucky I am, to live in a lovely old flat with 3 others. It’s like living in a library, a useful box, a home. On the other hand I have too much stuff, tho I cull every time I move, and buy or find less of everything nowadays especially if I imagine carrying it up and down stairs. And yet another side to this story, in a pinch I could probably build a shelter out of the books, boxes, old furniture .
The idea came in a flash, from reading a poem a friend sent, the link to horses was alive. I wanted it to be hopepunk enough, so if you look into the window you’ll feel that rather than despair [if that is the flipside of hopepunk?].
by the way- these horses are all ok- they are alive, but exhausted, from carrying too much stuff. They’ll be ok after resting here in Forest Lodge for a few weeks.
REVOLUTIONARY LETTER #21 Can you own land, can you own house, own rights to other’s labor, (stocks, or factories or money, loaned at interest)
what about the yield of same, crops, autos airplanes dropping bombs, can you own real estate, so others pay you rent? to whom does the water belong, to whom will the air belong, as it gets rarer? the american indians say that a man can own no more than he can carry away on his horse.
Diane Di Prima 1968-71
A story is being written as we speak, set close to Mt Treacle, and it is even more colourful, more hopepunk, and more visual than these paintings. Abstract landscapes will illustrate it, but also exist separately, as you can see here in this exhibition. There’ll be a zine too, but that will be more a chance to see Francis’s horse paintings. This not a static show, new things will appear, and what you see here now might move around a bit.